I, Gil-Young Jung CEO, would like to welcome our esteemed Customers
who visit Gilsan Homepage serving as the Foundation of Future Value
to our Customers. Gilsan Business Group has founded the Gilsan Pipe
Co., LTD., the Gilsan Steel Co., LTD., the Gilsan ST Co., LTD. and
the Gilsan SST Co., LTD. consequently, through which Gilsan has pursued
continuous growth In order to meet the requirement from market rapidly
changing day by day, Gilsan has invested challenging production facilities
and continuous R&D equipment. Based on the largest Production Factory
Gilsan has produced and supplied the STS Pipes, Coils and Sheets of
the most excellent quality while acquiring various Patents for STS Pipe
Know-how. Gilsan also established ERP System which results in maximi-
zation of the human and material resources together with acquisition
of Korean standard Certificate for
Quality∙Environmental Management Objective. On the foundation of these
Production, Technology and Quality Excellency Gilsan has become leading
company in the Korean market and successfully penetrated in the global market.
In the future Gilsan would like to lead in the Korean STS market and solidify the “Fame of Gilsan Brand”
in the overseas market endeavoring endless Innovation Efforts.
Gilsan would not forget and keep in mind that we owe all of these
successful achievements to our esteemed Customers, hereby, appreciate heartfully.
Our esteemed and respecting Customers!
Gilsan courteously request our Customers to keep kind sight that Gilsan will
take the leading role in the 21century global Stainless Steel Market.
Gilsan would like to promise to keep pace with our Costomers always,
while keeping in mind that the prosperous development of our Customers is the basement
of our Country and our Company.
Our esteemed customers are the Gilsan's owners, and also our loving customers are the very Gilsan.
Gilsan always thanks all of you.